Long story short, yes. You may not know it, but the web is full of harmful threats that can really cause significant damage to your personal life. Imagine checking your bank balance and it saying zero? Imagine all your friends on Facebook are sent a harmful link by someone who has hacked your account? How about logging onto your computer and seeing that your most important documents are being held for ransom? Pretty scary stuff. Here’s why and how you can protect yourself…

A virus is only one type of malware. Malware is Malicious Software designed to get unauthorised access into your system. Protecting yourself against malware can prove to be invaluable. Viruses can strike at anytime and anywhere. It is important to have some sort of protection and solution ready to destroy the threat if one ever occurs.

There are plenty of ways to protect yourself against online threats. The most common and most effective is to install antivirus software. There are so many different types of antivirus solutions available on to purchase on the internet. All differing in price, level of protection, features, and more. Be sure to do you research and more importantly try them before you buy them.

There are also plenty of free antivirus and antimalware solutions out there to take advantage of. But they can only go so far. Business owners both small and large should seriously consider protecting themselves. Hackers have the power and the knowledge to do substantial damage to a business on any scale. Even the government is not safe from hackers. You will see plenty of stories on the news websites about cyber threats and horror stories from those who left their PC unguarded and quite frankly their life has been changed ever since.

When asking yourself “does my computer need protection from viruses”, ask yourself “how much do I value mine and my families safety online?”. Some antivirus products out there feature parental controls designed to specifically help your children online stay safe and not come across any inappropriate material.

To get protected by antivirus is as easy as clicking a button. But to remove a virus without it or even prevent a virus attack from occurring is nearly impossible, unless you are an avid computer programmer. It is simply not worth it. Antivirus protection works out (looking at basic antivirus protection) to roughly less than £1.20 per PC per month.

Do not take the risks. Get yourself protected.